Monday, March 16, 2009

All the betas I met on club Penguin

These are the betas i met on club penguin hope you enjoy it: Starbucks, Coco, Phat Fano, Fano, Man101, Sith Sith, Tigger, Darkness, Cploughman, Dale 38, BIG red, Billybob, Gizmo, Rsnail. And I think thats all if you have same friends as me you can just comment me that you have the same friends as me.

Penguin Contest

I am Having a penguin contest. Whoever is the most penguin on club penguin that is see is the winner. and i will say your peng and real name on the blog. my penguin names are Lil Dwade27 And Rocker5902. If you see them they will be watching you.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

  • Go to
  • Type in The search bar: Supermariofan11196 (There should be vids please subsribe and comment)
  • Please try to watch all vids
  • If you can tell friends about my blog and vids.
  • go to my chat on www.xat/rocker5902

Club Penguin

If you want me to meet you. Go to the Dock on the server Frozen.
Lots of famous penguins will be there. almost every rare penguin
goes to the dock and hangs out with their friends. BUT! they go on
server frozen but dont go to the dock.
hese are my Best Friends on club penguin: Peaox, Mokeo, Sabcamy, Cploughman (Gizmo), Dale 38 ( Billybob). Im Friends wiht MODERATORS. Its fun being friends with moderators, they hang out with you and stuff they are the bestest friends you could have on club penguin.